At my privacy matters, we champion the right of every woman to safeguard her medical privacy with dignity and strength. Our mission is to create a safe space where women can find resources, support, and empowerment in navigating the sensitive realm of medical confidentiality.

news and announcements

Romantic ethnic model with white flowers

Employers have the Right to our Talents and Time, But Not our Bodies!

“Employers have access to our talents ​and time, not our bodies. Discussing ​medical privacy breaches social grace ​and etiquette, violating personal ​boundaries. Respecting these boundaries ​fosters a workplace culture grounded in ​trust and consideration for the ​individual.”

Woman in Pink Shirt Sitting against Green Background

Solidarity Statement We Are Not Just A Number!

“ We, as individuals, are not mere numbers but unique contributors to the tapestry of our workplaces. Today, we stand unitied against any abuse of authority by employers. Our solidarity echoes a shared commitment to dignaty, respect and fairness. Together, we affirm that each voice matters, and collective strength empowers us to challenge unjust practices and foster workplaces built on equality and intergrity.”

People in a Concert

Social Media Rally “Voice for the Voiceless”

“Join our Social Media Rally - ‘Voice for ​the Voiceless.’ Together, let’s stand up ​for those who feel unable to say no to ​privacy violations at work for fear of ​repercussions. Empowerment begins ​with solidarity. Use your voice to ​advocate for privacy rights in the ​workplace and create safe space for ​those who need support.”

what we fight for

Privacy Advocacy in the workplace:

Advocate for stronger privacy protections in the workplace, emphasizing the need for clear polcies that respect individuals’ confidentiality, especially in matters related to medical information.

Educational initiaves on Privacy Rights

To Inform Individuals about their privacy rights, how to navigate and assert these rights, particularly in the context of medical privacy in the workplace

legal safegaurds against Retaliation

Access to Legal Representation, designed to protect employees from retaliation when asserting their privacy rights, ensuring individuals can speak up without fear of negative consequences.

who we are

“As advocates for privacy rights, out team at My Privacy Matters is committed to fostering a community that celebrates and protects the unique and personal medical journey of women. Learn more about our mission and the dedicated individuals behind this initiative.”

Women Hanging Out
Women Working Out

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